The Hill TV
A premium digital video environment for your brand that spotlights your key initiatives
The Hill's K Street Studios creates breakthrough content solutions that take brand storytelling to the next level.
To replace an image, select the png or jpeg on the canvas or in the layers panel and click the "Replace image" button, which is next to the image thumbnail in the design panel. Any applied animation to the original image will carry over to the new one.
To make a video auto play in the background. Select the video in the layers panel or on the canvas. Next to the video thumbnail in the Design panel, select the setting gear icon to view the video settings.
Template - Landing Page Template
1280px x 5000px
The grid background is pinned which means it is fixed to a specific point in the viewport. Pinning an object allows you to keep the objects always visible on the canvas, regardless of where the user scrolls on the canvas. Note: Pinned objects do not currently work on full-height embedded experiences; only standalone experience and scrolling embedded experiences. To unpin select the group, next to the X,Y coordinates click the pin icon.
Hover interactions allow you to reveal or hide folders, objects, or groups when the user hovers their mouse over your specified trigger. To add a hover interaction, draw a hotspot over the area you want the user to hover. Select the hotspot and navigate to the Interaction tab in the Inspector Panel. Select “hover” as your trigger and specify the action, which can be: show, hide, show and stay visible, or hide and stay hidden. Finally, choose the folder, object, or group you want to reveal or hide.
Changing America
Changing America offers your brand a robust framework for storytelling across five editorial content pillars
Custom Solutions
Bespoke content that puts your brand in the epicenter of topics at the core of The Hill
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About Us
K Street Studios: Branded Content Solutions
Full Service, with an entire spectrum of services Talent pool of writers, producers, video creators and industry experts In-house, video facilities including long-form narrative storytelling, The Hill TV "Sponsor Spotlights," Policy Minutes, Native Content and more
in-house content studio
full production
Scalable content solutions,
Special Editorial Series Sponsorship
Premium editorial storytelling, filmed on location, or at our K Street Studios produced by The Hill TV news team
The Hill TV Sponsor Segment
K Street Studios will work with your brand to develop branded content within The Hill TV’s editorial environment
Building The Dream - NAHB
The Fifth Generation - Nokia
5G Rising - Qualcomm
Mission Critical - Raytheon
Investing in America - AIC
Empowering American Small Businesses - eBay
Sponsor Segment
Building The Dream- NAHB
Editorial Video Series
Custom video series that aligns with our Changing America pillars
Branded Video Series
Custom video series that celebrates the stories behind your brand that change America
All Together Now - Verizon
Agents of Change - Kia
Custom video series that aligns with your Changing America pillars
Driving Purpose - Kia
Advancing Our World For All - Verizon
Franchises & Bespoke Video
Our evergreen franchises and bespoke video series examines topics important to our audience
Native Articles
K Street Studios native articles reach the same influential audiences as our newsroom does
Custom video that aligns contextually with the content your brand is sponsoring
Global Lenses: Ubisoft - Canada
Policy Minute: StriveTogether
Misunderstood: The Huawei Story - Huawei
Misunderstood - The Huawei Story: Huawei
Global Lenses: First Astronaut - UAE
Wells Fargo Pre-Roll
NAHB Pre-Roll
Huawei Pre-Roll
Qualcomm Pre-Roll